Paying for homecare Medicaid Wavier Program- Source
Personal Care Assistance
Admission Criteria for Source
Eligible Members SOURCE operates under authority of the Georgia Elderly and Disabled 1915c Medicaid Waiver. For core waiver requirements
The target population for SOURCE are physically disabled individuals who are functionally impaired, or who have acquired a cognitive loss, that results in the need for assistance in the performance of the activities of daily living (ADLs) or instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs); these individuals must meet the Definition for Intermediate Nursing Home Level of Care (LOC).
Eligibility factors must be met annually or more often per guidelines referenced manuals and the federal Waiver.
a) Aged 65 and older, or under 65 and physically disabled
b) Receiving full Medicaid (this excludes SLMB, QMB, QI )
c) Eligible based on meeting criteria for Intermediate Nursing Home Level of Care
d) Cost of necessary services can be provided by SOURCE at less cost than the Medicaid cost of nursing facility care
e) Willing participants who choose enrollment in the SOURCE Program (Member choice)
f) Residing in a SOURCE Enhanced Case Management’s designated service area; and
g) Capable, with assistance from SOURCE and/or informal caregivers, of safely residing in the community (with consideration for a recipient’s right to take calculated risks in how and where he or she lives).